Biblical Online Activities with Msgr Michel Proulx, o. praem: Discover the Bible with biblical activities, such as “Exploring the Sunday Gospels: “Autumn and Advent”, a series of 5 meetings, offered every two weeks, exploring the gospel that will be proclaimed at mass the following Sunday. It will be live (via Zoom) on Tuesday October 15th & 29th, November 12th & 26th & December 10th from 7:15 pm to 8:30 pm with a delayed version being received on Wednesday morning (day after the live activity) with 6 days to enjoy at your own pace. Also, a Bible course where we will study the beginning of the book of the “Acts of the Apostles”, live (via Zoom) on Tuesday, October 8th & 23rd, November 5th & 19th & December 3rd & 17th from 7:15 pm to 9:00 pm with a delayed version being received on Wednesday morning (day after the live activity) again with 6 days to enjoy at your own pace. There is no cost for parishioners of the Diocese of Bathurst. If you have questions, please call the office at 506-547-4737.